Sunday, October 29, 2017

Noah's Flood and the Coming Judgment

"Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."
2 Peter 3:7,8  NKJV

Lately there has been an upsurge in conversations among believers concerning the possibility that the rapture of the Church might occur sometime close to the anniversary of the flood of Noah, which this year will be on or around the sixth or seventh of November.  This belief is based on the fact that many different people, from very diverse backgrounds, using different schools of research, have all arrived at the same approximate point in time as a window for the rapture to occur. I have been asked for my thoughts on this, so what follows is my opinion on the possibility of a November rapture.

There are many different ways that some have arrived at their conclusions for the timing of the rapture. Some of these include numerology, Bible codes, astronomy, visions and dreams, and even the Great Pyramid in Egypt. I want to make it perfectly clear that I have no reservations whatever about the convictions or the research by believers who hold to these positions, for I am familiar with most and am impressed not only by the scholarship, but by their commitment to serve the body of Christ by their willingness to share the results of their studies, research and experiences.

Regardless of the method used to arrive at their conclusions, those who believe the rapture will occur this month connect those conclusions directly to the events of the flood of Noah, and the fact that the Bible tells us clearly when that occurred. The flood began on Cheshvan 17, or what on our calendar will be November 7. Much of the research used to point to this day as the day of the rapture stems from day counts working backwards from the Holy days of Israel that will occur approximately seven years from now using the length of the Tribulation given to us by the prophet Daniel as a starting point.

Now, while not having any disagreement with the scholarship, I do have a question concerning using the anniversary of the flood as a day for the rapture of the Church. Why? It's because of a little thing called “typology”. We have looked at this subject  before, but if you are not familiar with this term, let me try to explain it in a way that makes sense. In essence what this term means is that many of the events in the Old Testament were actually pictures of what was to occur in the future, and the study of these events is called typology. Some examples that may help would be the story of Abraham being told to sacrifice his only son Isaac, and God providing a lamb as a substitute. Joseph, sent by his father to visit his brothers and being “killed” in a sense by his imprisonment in Egypt only to reappear as second only to Pharaoh as ruler in Egypt. Then there is Jonah, being thrown overboard allowing the others to survive while he suffers the punishment of God's wrath in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights. There are many more, but hopefully these are enough for you to begin to see what is meant by the study of typology.

So exactly what is the point I'm trying to make here? Simply this; if typology is an accurate method to predict future events, (and as a teacher of mine used to say, “Pattern is prologue”), Noah and his family were not “raptured” but preserved “through” the flood which was the “judgment” by water mentioned in this passage from Peter. In the book of Revelation we read that there are those who are preserved “through” the tribulation as well. As this passage also says that another judgment is coming, this time by fire, which we know to be a reference to the coming tribulation, it would seem to me that the anniversary of the flood is better suited to be an indicator of the beginning of the tribulation period and not necessarily the rapture of the Church.

Now rather than being depressing, that conclusion should actually excite us since the rapture of the church (if you hold to the pretribulation rapture view) occurs before the tribulation begins. So if the prevailing opinions that the rapture is this month are accurate, that being the case, a whole lot has to happen in just the next couple of weeks. Now many of you thinking, “So when is the rapture”? Well, I certainly don't profess to know the day or the hour, but considering our little diversion into typology, notice something often overlooked in the story of Noah.

"..two by two they went into the ark to Noah, male and female, as God had commanded Noah. And it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were on the earth."
Genesis 7:9,10 NKJV

Considering that God had everyone and everything get on board and then waited seven days before executing His judgment, could this possibly mean that God might use the rapture of the Church as a seven day warning of His coming judgment on the earth? Personally I believe that it makes sense that there will be a little time between the rapture and the beginning of the tribulation since there are obviously events that need to occur to prepare the world to accept the reign of the Antichrist. Many scholars believe the destruction of Damascus which we find in the book of Isaiah, and the Gog Magog War found in Ezekiel, will take place immediately before the Tribulation begins. The belief is, in fact, those very events produce the “enforced peace” brokered by the coming new world leader.

With that thought in mind, let me create a work of fiction that might help explain my thinking. Part of this will be conclusions I came to when writing my book concerning the coming conflict in Israel, but I think you will agree that most of it makes sense even if it doesn't occur exactly as I lay it out. After reading it, I think you will then understand my statement that a whole lot must happen in a very short time if the Tribulation is to start this month. Again, what follows is not prophecy, just an educated guess as to what might happen in the time between the rapture and the beginning of the tribulation.

IF....the rapture occurs only seven days before the start of the tribulation;

Day One; Total World Upheaval as millions disappear without a trace. Society begins to fall apart as governments, institutions, military and law enforcement agencies, all are crippled.

Day Two; Israel's enemies attack believing the disappearance of the “infidel”, and the crippling of the west is a sign that their cause is just. Unfortunately, they choose to use chemical weapons. Israel responds by using nuclear weapons to defend themselves, resulting in the complete and total destruction of Damascus. (Isaiah 17)

Day Three; What is left of world government, UN, EU, individual countries, condemn Israel's response (naturally) and seek a solution. The nations of Ezekiel 38 agree to combine efforts and come up with a solution of their own.

Day Four; While the debate rages among what is left of world government, the Ezekiel 38 coalition of countries moves their forces to position themselves for an attack on Israel making no attempt to hide their intentions.  This scenario, considering the number of Russian troops now in Syria, is eerily possible.

Day Five; A massive attack by the Ezekiel 38 coalition using their combined air assets is attempted and destroyed by God's intervention.

Day Six; A highly respected, powerful individual proposes a solution to the conflict between Israel and its enemies which guarantees an “enforced” peace.

Day Seven; The government of Israel and the combined governments of their enemies agree to the proposed peace agreement and sign the “covenant with death”. (Isaiah 28:15) The seven year Tribulation begins.

So do you begin to understand what I mean when I say a lot has to happen in a very short time? If the conclusions of many that this is the season of the rapture and the beginning of the Tribulation, many events must transpire in just the next few weeks. Again, I have no idea if events will occur in the order or in the time frame I used here, but I think it will give you an idea of how things just may work out to bring about the time of God's judgment on this earth.

Of course, the question I have often asked in my articles when discussing the rapture of the Church, and our responsibility as watchers is this; what are you doing about what we are seeing? Are you simply observing all that is occurring around us or are you looking and searching for ways to share the gospel of Christ with those who do not yet believe? As we see the day approaching we need more than ever to be bold when opportunities present themselves to share our faith.

If you are reading this blog and have never made a decision to accept the free gift of salvation offered by our God I encourage you to do that right now. Simply pray to God and confess you are a sinner, ask Him to come into your life and take control, turn away from your old life and seek to live your new life according to His instructions given to us in His word, the Bible.

Keep watching.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Is the US in Bible Prophecy?

I am gone this week but wanted to post this excellent article by Pete Garcia of the Omega Letter, whose work I respect greatly and have posted before on this site.  Enjoy, and I will return next week.

Is the US in Bible Prophecy?
Prophecy - Signs
Monday, October 16, 2017
Pete Garcia

There has been much discussion as of late on whether or not the United States is found in Bible prophecy. How does the world’s most powerful, Christian, and Israel-friendly nation not warrant a mention as a key player in the last days? If the US is in Bible prophecy, what role does she play? If she is not, then why not? What happens to her vast natural resources, advanced technology, military arsenal, and able-bodied citizens? Considering these questions, there are biblically sound and astute teachers on both sides of the issue who either believe that the US is Mystery Babylon, or that we are not in the picture at all.

Those in the camp of us being Babylon (mystery or otherwise), seem to make good points for that case (see here). Probably the strongest reason why we could be is that the Jews are told to come out of her. As of 2017, the largest concentration of Jewish people outside of Israel is in the United States. While at the same time, there are practically no Jews in what was traditional Babylon (Iraq) thanks to the likes of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and other militant Islamic groups. So how could they come out of her (Babylon), if they are not in there, to begin with?

Those in the camp who believe we are not in the prophetic picture at all (see here) believe so for a variety of reasons. The most obvious reason for saying the US is not in Bible prophecy is that there is no explicit mention of any nation (in the geopolitical sense) that matches our description in the prophetic texts concerning the last days. While a number of doomsday scenarios could pose an existential threat to the United States, none (in my opinion) threaten to so suddenly upend the traditional global order as the Rapture of the Church. The threat has been gravely underestimated in books like the “Left Behind” series and other popular eschatological material.

Underestimated not because of the percentage of how many Americans are raptured up, but by what immediately follows.


Speculation abounds as to what the percentage will be for those believers who will be caught up. Some think as low as one percent while others think as high as twenty-five percent. The percentage then has become sort of a measuring stick by which we could determine whether or not the US survives the Rapture event and go on to play a major role in the 70th Week of Daniel. I tend to think around ten percent of the US population will be raptured, but even then that means around thirty million Americans (by current population standards) would instantaneously disappear. But regardless, the how is less important than the why in regards to our potential role in the Tribulation.

What is of utmost importance is realizing that once the Rapture does occur, the restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit is also removed (2 Thess. 2:6-8).

This does not mean that the Holy Spirit disappears from the earth altogether. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent and cannot, not be everywhere. The Holy Spirit was on the earth prior to the day of Pentecost and He will be here after the Rapture event. What it means is that the mystery of iniquity (or lawlessness) that is active in the world today, is at the same time actively being hindered by God’s power through His people. We are salt and light to a world that will quickly be engulfed in darkness once the Rapture occurs. But after the Rapture, lawlessness will no longer be hindered. Lawlessness will go unchecked and the world will quickly move in one accord under the direction of Satan who will rapidly form that final world system.

    Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.” Luke 4:5-7

The idea that the world first experiences the Rapture then sees the unleashing of the four horsemen matches perfectly with what Paul is shown concerning the order of events. The man of sin cannot be revealed until we (the body of Christ) is removed. This is why we see John record the Revelation in the manner which he does (Rev. 1:19):

    the vision-the things John has seen
    the seven letters to the seven churches-the things which are in John’s day until now
    the heavenly throne room and subsequent events-the things after this (after the churches)

    Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. Revelation 6:1-2

The first horse out of the gate is the man of sin riding the white horse. He seemingly takes advantage of a crisis already in progress. How long the crisis lasts between the Rapture and his arrival is unknown. We know that the actual 70th Week does not start at the Rapture, but with a covenant that is signed between Israel and the nations (Dan. 9:27) which he will ultimately violate halfway through. The man of sin will then become the son of perdition once Satan physically possesses him at the midway point. At present time, it is impossible for us to know who this man will be. We only know what the Bible says about him. However, his arrival likely comes at a point of great turmoil. So if the world’s agenda is currently being hindered by God the Holy Spirit through the body of Christ on the earth, what does our removal then signify?

A total lack of restraint. Unchecked restraint will result in turmoil and conflict and crisis.

It should mean that the floodgates of hell are opened and there will be a short period of chaos immediately following the removal of the body of Christ (the Church) from the earth. This will force the power structures of the former world-order (pre-rapture) to realign themselves post-rapture. The old saying is that nature abhors a vacuum, and will fill itself with anything to avoid a vacuum. If the church’s removal provides this vacuum, you can guarantee that something will fill this void. This is where I believe the spirit of antichrist becomes the strong delusion that sweeps over the world.

Logically what comes with turmoil and change, is conflict. If we look back at World War 1 or World War 2, we see that the geopolitical realities changed significantly before and after each of these events. After the Rapture will be no different. The world will be forced to realign itself. IF the US is not impacted at all by the Rapture, then the current power structure (or the world order) will not need to change. But we do see great change coming because the next horse unleashed is the rider on the red horse.

    When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.   Rev. 6:3-4

As I’ve stated in a previous briefs, that any belief system outside of true, orthodox Christianity, is from Satan. While the varying religions and worldviews may have different angles, forms of worship, terminology, etc., they are all varying corruptions of the truth. The reality then is that there is only one God, who is expressed in three Persons, who are all of the same divine essence and being, co-equal in power, and willingly submitting to each other to eternally be in one accord, according to Scripture. Anything that deviates from that is from Satan.

In other words, it could have just as easily been Hinduism or Shintoism that was violently rampaging across the Middle East and Europe as it is Islam. Any view that is not true biblical Christianity, is fiercely (when confronted) opposed to the truth because of what it reveals about its corrupted nature. Without the Holy Spirit to keep the world at bay, the world will tear itself apart trying to establish a new dominant religious position.

    When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine. Rev. 6:5-6

When peace is taken from the earth, what naturally follows is economic disparity and starvation. The rich and powerful have the means to keep their wealth and sustenance, while the rest do not. With starvation comes death and pestilence.

    When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. Rev. 6:7-8

The world population is currently at 7.5 billion people. While we can’t know the percentage of those taken up at the Rapture of the Church, we can know (roughly) how many perish during the first four Seal judgments. A fourth of that is around 1.875B people. This is an unprecedented number and aside from the Noahic flood, we don’t have anything else that can really compare to a number that large perishing in such a short period of time. That number alone will force major geopolitical alignments that will bring about the final world system headed by the Antichrist.


I think that the biblically reasonable answer to the question of whether the United States is in Bible prophecy is that we are, but not in the way we hoped or expected. Although we are not Mystery Babylon, we will be essential to its creation. Every gentile power that has come about ultimately befriends and then betrays either the nation of Israel (and Judah) or the Jewish people. The nations will have to answer for this as well (Matt. 25:31-46). After the Rapture, the US will cease to look or be anything of like what it is today. I expect the US to become exceedingly anti-Semitic much the same way Europe rapidly became anti-Semitic in the early 20th century.

The Jews will have to flee the United States back to Israel just as they did Europe between WWI and WWII. This is because the antichrist spirit will feed that supernatural hatred to a people who have been given over to a strong delusion. Satan’s intent then is to gather the Jews into one place so to set a snare for destruction (Matt. 24:15-21, 2 Thess. 2:3-4). If Satan can destroy Israel, Jerusalem, the temple, and kill the Jews, then God’s prophetic word will fail thus nullifying God’s plan for Satan. At least, that is his plan it seems.

Likewise, if the US ceases to be the world superpower, some other nation(s) will rise up to fill that void such as the revived Roman Empire. What’s left of the US will be incorporated into that final world system. Without the constraints of the Judeo-Christian constitution, the US will dissolve relatively quickly. It would seem that either some catastrophic event occurs before Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39), or after the Rapture, the US sees no intrinsic need to come to the aid of Israel. Either way, we are not willing to come to her aid.

The antichrist and the false prophet simply do not have enough time left to build the world forces it needs to dominate the planet in only seven years. They will have to rely on taking from what’s left of the major world powers through some advanced digital system (AI perhaps) to impose its iron-fisted will over the entire planet. Granted, even that time will be very brief as the forces from the east will eventually rise up to challenge his (antichrist’s) authority (Rev. 16:12).

Unfortunately, the US will be amongst the nations who finally assemble at the Valley of Megiddo and try to challenge the physical return of Jesus to the earth (Zech. 12:3). They nations armies are quickly and effortlessly destroyed as Jesus brings His armies from heaven to watch Him single-handedly destroy the world’s system (Dan. 2:44-45). Unlike earthly empires and kingdoms, Jesus does not have any weaknesses. He is the infinite source of all wealth, all power, and does not rely on consensus to conduct His will, because He and the Father, and the Spirit are One in purpose. To this, Revelation 19:15-16 states-

    Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:


Even so, Maranatha!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Keep Watching

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.  2 Timothy 4:3-5  NKJV

Why are we still here?  You would not believe how many have asked that question now that the predicted days of our departure have come and gone.  The signs appeared, speculation was rampant, and still we wait upon the Lord.  I am certainly as disappointed as anyone that the rapture has not yet occurred, but I refuse to be discouraged.  Yet many are, and for this reason I thought I would repost a column I wrote back in January of this year in the hope that you would be “encouraged” and not “discouraged” that God has seen fit to tarry.

Standing on the Promises of God

So 2016 comes to an end and the Church is still here.  If you are a watcher like I am, I am sure you are more than aware of all of the failed dreams, visions, and predictions of the past year that claimed we would be gone by now.  Something I learned as a small child and something I am equally sure most of you have learned by now is that the greater your expectations are, the more disappointed you are when it doesn’t come to pass.  As believers, our hope and expectation is in the Lord and the rapture of the Church to be with Him forever in our heavenly home.  Yet although the signs are all around us we finish another year still here on this earth struggling with our feelings.

As I thought about this, it occurred to me that there are three steps leading downward we need to avoid at all costs, and by understanding what they are we can begin to maintain our perspective and better cope with the situation we find ourselves in as we wait patiently for our Lord.  It would appear to me that Paul might have been dealing with this in his letter to the church at Philippi, and his advice to them certainly seems to me to provide us some help while struggling with our feelings as we watch and wait.


For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.    Philippians 3:20-21  NKJV

Paul’s first reminder to the church is that we have a promise from God that Jesus will return to take us to heaven, the place prepared for us to live for eternity with Him.  When we accepted His gift of eternal life, we became citizens of heaven and although we may be living on this earth right now, it is but temporary and we have a promise from God Himself that we need to remind ourselves of daily in order to avoid the disappointment which can come from our having to wait.  This earth is not our home, and we need to focus on His promise rather than the disappointment of still being here.


Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.    Philippians 4:4-7  NKJV

Have you found yourself becoming discouraged by having to wait so long for our deliverance from this world?  Have you considered that discouragement is one of Satan’s best weapons against believers who choose to watch for Christ’s return?  Disappointment, if left unchecked, leads directly to discouragement.  Have you ever noticed that inside of the word discouragement is the word courage? One of the first things that can happen to a discouraged believer is losing the courage to speak of what he or she believes in.  Paul says to rejoice always!  Have you talked with God about your struggles?  Have you told Him you are disappointed and discouraged?  Paul says if we do, His peace will surround us and help us guard against this downward spiral.


Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.    Philippians 4:8-9  NKJV

To me, despair is the bottom of the emotional hole Satan wants all of us to fall into.  Despair is a total lack of hope, and it is a result of focusing solely on the negative, and ignoring all of the positive promises of God that are available to us as believers.  Paul says here to meditate, the Greek word for number, all the things God has done and promised to do for us.  To combat despair, believers need to number the many blessings we do have, and the future blessings we have been promised which will help us regain the trust that we will receive that which has yet to be given. 

I began this article by mentioning there were a few failed predictions of this past year.  To be truthful, I think I can safely say that this year will also give rise to many failed predictions.  As believers, we need to be especially careful to focus solely on what the Word of God says, rather than what man might say based on his own calculations and observations.  Many predictions for this coming year are already making news, and many of them concern astrological signs.  I thought I would leave you with an excerpt from an article by Jack Kelley written back in 2011 which contains some advice many of us should take to heart as we watch for the rapture of the Church.

So how could an idea like this one become so easily accepted by so many? It’s because as a Church we are a people of zeal without knowledge. For several generations now our leaders have consistently misinformed and misled us and we’ve been too lazy to search the Scriptures on our own to see if the things they’re teaching us about the End Times are true. As a result some who should know better can be fooled into believing that applying astrology to the interpretation of Scripture is a legitimate approach, even though its practice was a sin in Old Testament times (Lev. 19:26 KJV).

Some of us want the rapture to come so badly that we’ll believe anything we’re told that points to an early fulfillment even though it’s certain to result in disappointment. Sure the Bible says there’ll be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, but there have always been such things, and history has shown that seeing them is no excuse for ignoring sound doctrine. These signs are meant to support what the Bible says, not replace what it says.

This is an application of Paul’s warning that in the last days people would not put up with sound doctrine but would gather around themselves teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

So when someone comes out with a new idea based on eclipses, or comets, or even Scripture, don’t assume he’s done his homework. And that includes articles you find on this site. Do what Paul told you to do and search the scriptures daily to prove whether these things be true (Acts 17:11).

As the time grows shorter there will be all kinds of false information bombarding us. Some will be out of ignorance and some will be out of malevolence. Either way you could easily become confused or discouraged. Do your homework. Make sure you understand why no part of Daniel’s 70th Week, which begins in Rev.6, can take place until the Church is gone.

I can’t help but remember the words of an old hymn I learned in church as a young believer which says simply, “I’m standing on the promises of God.”  Amen.

There is no question in my mind that the rapture of the Church could happen at any time.  The signs we have all observed are there to tell us the time is near, but speculation as to a specific date for our departure is ill advised at best.  As believers we need to focus on "why" we are still here and fulfill the ministry of the Church until He comes for us. 

Keep watching.