Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Power of His Resurrection

 “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.”    Philippians 3:10-11 NKJV

As the world celebrates Easter this weekend, now more than ever I believe mankind needs to acknowledge the gift of eternal salvation afforded us by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and especially by the power of His resurrection. Have you ever given that much thought? Not only did God have the power to raise Jesus from the dead, He also has the power to raise all who choose to believe. Because He lives, we can live as well. Like Him, someday we will receive a new body and we will live with Him forever. A new Heaven and a new Earth will be created for our pleasure, and nothing will ever be able to separate us from His presence.

“Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it. His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. And the guards shook for fear of him, and became like dead men. But the angel answered and said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you." So they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to bring His disciples word. And as they went to tell His disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, "Rejoice!" So they came and held Him by the feet and worshiped Him.”  Matthew 28:1-9 NKJV

Rejoice indeed. Because of the resurrection, we all have the opportunity to share in His power over death. It is a gift, freely given to anyone who chooses to believe. Have you ever considered the fact that as a believer in Christ, you are immortal? Death has no hold over us for we have the promise of eternal life, and to prove it, Jesus rose from the dead to show us He alone has the power. 

“Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. "And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"    John 11:25-26 NKJV

Have you made the decision in your own life to know the power of His resurrection? If not, you can right now by praying this prayer and accepting the gift of eternal life God has offered you by the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe You died for my sins. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. Amen.

He is risen, and He is coming soon.

Keep watching.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

More Signs?

“And as for you, son of man, thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Speak to every sort of bird and to every beast of the field: “Assemble yourselves and come; Gather together from all sides to My sacrificial meal Which I am sacrificing for you, A great sacrificial meal on the mountains of Israel, That you may eat flesh and drink blood. You shall eat the flesh of the mighty, Drink the blood of the princes of the earth, Of rams and lambs, Of goats and bulls, All of them fatlings of Bashan.  Ezekiel 39:17-18  NKJV

I suppose it would be fair to say that the majority of those believers who choose to be watchmen are without a doubt watching closely for the prophesied war of Ezekiel 38-39 which is also known as the Gog Magog War.  While many may be familiar with what the Word has to say about it, I’m willing to bet that while most know it takes place in ”the mountains of Israel”, what they may not know is where those mountains are.  The key is found when God describes the bodies left over from the slaughter as a “sacrificial meal” and then as the “fatlings of Bashan”.  You see, the bodies’ litter the ground at Bashan, which today in Israel is known as the Golan Heights.

With that in mind, it caught my attention this past week when I came across the following article which reported that Russian troops are moving closer to the Golan Heights.  

Russian Forces Move Closer To The Mountains Of Israel

While there is no reference to the number or makeup of these troops, the simple fact that they are present should be a wake up call to any watcher.  Magog and Persia are poised in Syria, awaiting the time they attempt to invade Israel for spoil.  Sheba and Dedan along with the merchants of Tarshish are talking peace. As we see these things happening in that part of the world is it any wonder so many watchers believe the time of the Church’s deliverance is imminent?

Any conflict with Syria could easily escalate to the point where the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 could take place.  Assad of Syria and Nasrallah of Hizballah have made it perfectly clear that they would like nothing better than to see a world without Israel or the Jewish people.  As we watch the conflict between Hizballah in Lebanon and the nation of Israel escalating one has to wonder what lies in the immediate future. An attack on the nation of Israel which threatens their existence would provoke an overwhelming response, thus putting into motion the evil plan of Gog by giving him the excuse he needs.  I believe too, that when it does occur (and we know it will), in hindsight it will be seen to be the beginning of the “labor” we are watching for.  

“And it will come to pass at the same time, when Gog comes against the land of Israel,” says the Lord GOD, “that My fury will show in My face. “For in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath I have spoken: ‘Surely in that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel, ‘so that the fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens, the beasts of the field, all creeping things that creep on the earth, and all men who are on the face of the earth shall shake at My presence. The mountains shall be thrown down, the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.’ “I will call for a sword against Gog throughout all My mountains,” says the Lord GOD. “Every man’s sword will be against his brother. “And I will bring him to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed; I will rain down on him, on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, flooding rain, great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. “Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the LORD.” ’    Ezekiel 38:18-23  NKJV

If you are a student of biblical prophecy, I’m sure you have either heard or read that the most asked question concerning the end times is “Where is America?” in all of this?  What I have always believed is that if the United States were relevant, it would be mentioned in scripture.  The fact that it seems to be absent lends weight to the idea that for one reason or another, America as we know it is rendered irrelevant.  Many have taught that one reason might be found in the passage from Ezekiel which describes what some believe could be a future nuclear attack.  The following is an excerpt from an article by Chuck Missler of Koinonia House.

“The ultimate invasion of the Middle East by "Gog and Magog" is well known to most Biblically informed observers  The invading forces of Magog - recognized as referring to Russia by most authorities - are wiped out by "hailstones of fire" from the heavens, which also cause an earthquake felt around the world. A disturbing aspect of this encounter is that similar "hailstones of fire" also appear to fall on those "who dwell securely in the isles" or coastlands. Some suspect that this could be a hint of an intercontinental nuclear exchange as part of the confrontation with Magog and its allies.”

The most important idea in this observation, as well as what is described in the passage from Ezekiel, is the fact that what we are told occurs is quite possibly an “exchange” of nuclear missiles.  Ezekiel makes it clear that the “fire” falls on both Magog and the coastlands.  The word used here translated “coastlands” is the Hebrew word “iy”, which is translated to mean, coast, island, shore, region.  Many Bible scholars have voiced the opinion that this is most likely the word that one would use at the time the book of Ezekiel was written to describe an unknown land far away.

If we accept that premise then one must ask the question, what nation would fit that description which also possesses nuclear weapons?  The simple answer is only one.  While we can discuss at length all of the reasons and provocations which might result in a nuclear exchange between Russia and the United States, the one point which should never be ignored or forgotten is that this passage tells us that it is God Himself who brings this all to pass.  Notice that we are told that “I will send fire”.  While there may be reasons why the decision is made by earthly leaders to push the button, it is God’s decision to bring it to pass, and as we have seen in previous studies, the use of “fire” is a strong indication of God’s judgment upon both Magog and the “coastlands”.

“Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’ Calling a bird of prey from the east, The man who executes My counsel, from a far country. Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it. “Listen to Me, you stubborn-hearted, Who are far from righteousness: I bring My righteousness near, it shall not be far off; My salvation shall not linger. And I will place salvation in Zion, For Israel My glory.”                               Isaiah 46:9-13  NKJV

While this judgment by fire falls on two different nations, it is important to remember that Magog receives this judgment as they attempt to invade Israel through the Golan Heights.  Yet although this occurs in such close proximity to the nation of Israel, God protects them from any harm or “fallout” from His judgment.  The reason for this miracle is made clear as we are told that this is the time where God will reveal Himself to not only Israel, but the entire world in such a way as that there is no mistake as to who is in charge.

“So I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them profane My holy name anymore. Then the nations shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.”  Ezekiel 39:7  NKJV

If all of this sounds just a little farfetched to some, I would simply point out that while the possibility that this passage describes the use of nuclear missiles is purely conjecture, the fact remains that there will be a battle that affects both Magog and another land, and it is at this time that God will somehow make it clear to the entire world that He not only exists, but has His protective hand upon the nation of Israel.

“Surely it is coming, and it shall be done,” says the Lord GOD. “This is the day of which I have spoken.”                    Ezekiel 39:8  NKJV

This will happen, and if current events are any indication, it is going to happen very soon. The rising tensions between Russia and the United States over US support for the Ukraine has resulted in threats by Russia to use nuclear weapons given the right provocation. You can take them with a grain of salt but never forget that God has spoken and His plan is going to go forward until its’ completion.

“So you also, when you see these things happening, know that it is near—at the doors!”   Mark 13:29  NKJV

If you have never taken the step of asking Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart and save you from eternity without Him, I encourage you to do that right now.  Simply tell Him you are sorry for your sin, ask Him to forgive you and accept the sacrifice He made to die for your sin, and He has promised not only to forgive you but to make you one of His own and come into your life and provide all the help you need to begin to live for Him.

Keep watching.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Any Day Now

“The burden against Damascus. “Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, And it will be a ruinous heap. The cities of Aroer are forsaken; They will be for flocks Which lie down, and no one will make them afraid.”   Isaiah 17:1-2  NKJV

I am away for a few days but thought that considering Purim arrives this next weekend, it might possibly be a good idea to repost an article I have shared before about an event that many watchers are anticipating in the very near future.  

As we watch the events of the past few weeks unfold in Israel, speculation as to where we are on God’s prophetic clock has predictably exploded. On the one hand that would seem to be a good thing as many become aware that prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes.  On the other hand, however, speculation can, and has, covered an increasingly large spectrum resulting in confusion and suspicion within the body.  As someone who has spent many years studying and teaching Biblical prophecy let me share my thought as to where we are on God’s calendar.  Close to the end.

Surprised I’m not a little more specific?  Well it might be just my opinion but in all my years of study of end times prophecy I’ve noticed God chose not to be all that specific about when it was going to occur.  He simply said that we were to watch, and He would show us what to watch for when we were getting close to the end.  So my opinion, for what it is worth, is simply that I believe we are seeing the run up to the fulfillment of the Isaiah 17 and the Ezekiel 38,39 conflicts we have been warned to watch for.

This post is one I have shared before but certainly takes on new meaning in light of what is currently occurring in the Middle East and I wanted to share it with you again today in the hope it might bring some clarification to what we are witnessing in light of where we might be on God’s calendar.

Many biblical scholars are of the opinion that the prophecy above from Isaiah is a response by the nation of Israel to an attack using chemical or nuclear weapons against them.  This report from a year ago opened the eyes of more than a few governments and in response, many prophecy teachers speculated that this may lead to the fulfillment of the prophecy we find in Isaiah 17 concerning the destruction of Damascus.  While this may well be the beginning of the process which brings these things about, one question many have asked over the years is just what occurs that provokes Israel to do what it does.


That too, was a question I considered at length when I first began my studies of the Isaiah prophecy and the conclusion I came to was the result of searching for the location of the “cities of Aroer” mentioned in the passage above.  Although some might disagree, I believe it is a very strong possibility that, as you can see from the two maps above, what Isaiah may be telling us is that Israel responds to an attack by Syria on the nuclear research facility at Dimona.  While this is certainly speculation on my part, considering the events that have occurred recently, I personally find it hard to believe it is coincidence that the location of Aroer and Dimona appear to be one in the same.


The area mentioned in the Isaiah 17 prophecy is described as "the cities of Aroer".  Unlike Damascus, Aroer no longer exists, so we are left to try to identify its location by studying past references, and looking for archeological evidence that might support a conclusion as to its whereabouts. Aroer is mentioned three times in the Bible, and all occur in the Old Testament.  Unfortunately for us, however, each describes a different location, so we are left to examine what the Bible says about each and see if we can decide which location Isaiah is attempting to describe.  The first mention of Aroer is found in the book of Deuteronomy where it says;


“From Aroer, which is on the bank of the River Arnon, and from the city that is in the ravine, as far as Gilead, there was not one city too strong for us; the LORD our God delivered all to us.”   Deuteronomy 2:36  NKJV


This site has been identified as being on the northern bank of the Arnon ravine located in the modern country of Jordan, just east of the Dead Sea.  The second mention of Aroer we find is in the book of Joshua, where Moses is allotting land to the twelve tribes and describing their boundaries.  In this verse he describes;


“Their territory was Jazer, and all the cities of Gilead, and half the land of the Ammonites as far as Aroer, which is before Rabbah,”   Joshua 13:25 NKJV


Joshua describes Aroer as being "before Rabbah".  This city or any ruins of it have never been located, but by the description we know it would need to be situated be some twenty miles or so north of Jerusalem.  The final time Aroer is mentioned before Isaiah’s prophecy is in the book of Samuel, where we find it listed among a group of cities that David is sharing spoil with from his defeat of the Amalekites.  We find when we read that;


“those who were in Aroer, those who were in Siphmoth, those who were in Eshtemoa,”    1 Samuel 30:28  NKJV


This location has been identified as being in the Negev, twelve miles southeast of Beer-sheba.  We also see from reading this passage that it was one of many cities located in the same area which helped and supported David in his battle with the Amalekites.  Ruins of this city have been found, and you can even locate it on a map if your Bible has maps in the back.  Simply look for a map of Israel in the time of David, and you should be able to see Aroer located in the south of Israel, southwest of Beer-sheba. So we have three different locations to choose from, and no help from the Isaiah passage to identify which one he is referring to.  Is it possible to find a way to know for sure exactly which one of these locations is the one that Isaiah describes as being "forsaken"?


First of all, I think it may be logical to assume that Isaiah is referring to the location southeast of Beer-sheba for several reasons.  The first is that if you compare the dates that these three books were written, you find that the Samuel passage was written closest to the time of Isaiah, as opposed to the others which were written much earlier in Israel’s history.   Also, if you look closely at these three locations, you see one of them is in Jordan, not Israel.  Since Isaiah is describing a conflict between Syria and Israel, I think we can dismiss the Jordan location as a possibility.


So we are left to choose between two locations, one which has never been positively located, and one which not only has been located, but may have some military significance as well.  If we look at a map of Israel during the time of the twelve tribes, we can easily see where Aroer is located.  Now compare that map with a map of Israel today and you may be surprised to find that a very significant complex has been constructed in the same approximate location of ancient Aroer, and that is the nuclear research facility known as Dimona.  Since Isaiah is describing a future conflict between Israel and Syria, obviously there must be a good reason that Israel chooses to completely destroy Damascus.  Is it possible that it is in response to an attack of some sort on Dimona? 


“The cities of Aroer are forsaken;”


The word "forsaken" in the Hebrew is "azab" which means "to depart, abandon, loose, relinquish, leave."  The first thing that crossed my mind when I read this was not what it does say, but what it doesn't say.  It doesn't say that Aroer is destroyed; only abandoned.  It also says “cities” which gives the impression of a very large area being affected.  This scenario seems best explained by either the use of chemical weapons, or an attack that somehow damages the reactor and allows radiation to escape.  Obviously the Syrian regime has no problem using chemical weapons on its own people, and Iran is more than happy to provide them with advanced missiles, so the question seems to be, which will they choose to use and will they be willing to use them against Israel?

casus  belli: an event or action that justifies or allegedly justifies a war or conflict


The fact that the nation of Israel is surrounded by enemies who desire nothing more than to see their destruction is certainly not news to anyone even slightly informed about the world we live in today.  This situation, obviously, then begs the question; “what are they waiting for”?  It can be fairly said that Israel has made the attempt to live in peace with its enemies since the birth of the nation in 1948, fighting wars only to defend itself rather than being the aggressor. Yet, since God in His foreknowledge has told us that there are wars yet to be fought, it is logical to wonder what exactly is going to occur that provokes Israel’s enemies to attack once again. Now while some might argue that the nation of Syria has too many problems of its own to attempt to respond to Israel’s actions, I would say we need to consider another term from history which would seem, in light of recent events, to be extremely relevant, and that is “proxy war”.


proxy war: A war instigated by a major power which does not itself become involved.


The relationship between Iran and Syria is complicated, but the one thing that remains clear is that Iran has invested a lot of money, materiel, and personnel to develop and upgrade Syria’s military capabilities. Much of Syria’s missile technology and armament has been provided by Iran, and at present it is reported as fact by many intelligence sources that members of the Iranian Republican Guard are in Syria helping develop and train Syrian troops. Iran has spent much of its time in the past few years attempting to establish bases of operation within the borders of Syria, while Israel has made a habit of blowing them up. Most of all, Iran has so far committed itself to support the president of Syria, Bashar Assad, in power. So the question must be asked, just what does Iran want from Syria in exchange for all of this help?


The fact that the Isaiah 17 prophecy tells us that the city of Damascus is destroyed, rather than Tehran, obviously supports the conclusion that Israel is attacked either from Syria, or by weapons transported through Damascus to Israel’s enemies. While that is the case, one has to wonder, considering the situation there, who is really behind the attack on Israel?  While the attack could easily be staged by Hezbollah, most at this point in time would agree that Iran is the country behind all that is going on in that region, and their hatred for Israel is well known.  I believe, and many agree, that at this point in time Iran is simply waiting for a justifiable excuse to attack Israel and attempt to make good on the myriad of threats it has made in the past. Only time will tell if this is what Isaiah is telling us, but what we do know is that God has prophesied that Damascus “will cease from being a city.”  

I recently read an article which stated that some prophecy teachers believe the possibility exists that Isaiah 17 was already fulfilled in the past.  While their reasoning may be sound in it’s scholarship, this is one of those times where I will borrow a saying by Chuck Missler regarding a disagreement he had with Hal Lindsey and say I will “agree to disagree agreeably” with their conclusions.  I certainly would say that I might be wrong in my conclusion but if the identification of the location of Aroer is correct, I believe it throws a wrench into holding the position that this conflict has already occurred.


When examining current events, most if not all prophecy scholars agree that the obvious conclusion is while the possibility of the events of Isaiah 17 as well as Ezekiel 38,39 seem to be clearly on the immediate horizon, so too is the rapture of the Church.   The coming weeks and months appear to hold the potential to be very exciting times indeed for those who study prophecy.

If you are reading this today and have never made the choice to accept the free gift of salvation made possible by the sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, I want to encourage you to do it today.  Simply pray a prayer like this;

"Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe You died for my sins.  I want to turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life to you. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. Amen." 

Keep watching

Saturday, March 9, 2024


“Professing to be wise, they became fools,”   Romans 1:22  NKJV

In the Bible, a fool is defined as someone who “despises” wisdom.  If you look up the word despise in the dictionary you will find that it says it means to “regard with contempt”.  As I thought about that this week, it occurred to me that in order to regard something with contempt, I would first have to at least consider its merits in order to make the decision to accept or reject.  If this is true, then someone who chooses to despise, or regard with contempt the gospel of Christ, would first have to listen and consider before making that decision.  In other words, a fool is someone who hears the truth of God's Word and then chooses to reject it.

As I look around at the state of this country, as well as the rest of the world and examine the positions, beliefs, and convictions of most of the leaders today I can’t help but believe the best word I could choose to describe them would be the word “fools”.  Does that seem harsh?  Many might believe that to be the case but I would contend that any belief or conviction an individual holds that directly opposes the truth revealed in God’s Word labels them a fool.  That being the case, do what I did and and compare the “wisdom” of many of the positions we are being told to adopt with the wisdom of what God has already proclaimed and you will begin to see what I see.

“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise.”    Proverbs 12:15  NKJV

Some might disagree, but if you were to ask me what the largest, most obvious sign that we have arrived at the end of the Church age would be, it is the insistence that we reject the wisdom of God’s revealed truth and adopt a more “enlightened” view.  Make no mistake, by insistence I mean the growing intolerance and persecution of those who choose to hold a biblical view and resist abandoning positions based on the Word of God.  Unfortunately, we can see that many of the churches today are adopting views that can be more accurately described as more socially acceptable rather than holding fast to the truth of the Word.  This may come as a surprise to many but in truth, a study of the first three chapters of the book of Revelation reveals this is exactly what one should expect as we approach the end of the world as we know it.

“A fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart.”    Proverbs 18:2  NKJV

While we as believers watch the world turn against us and observe the direction many churches today seem to be heading, the thought occurred to me that quite possibly we should consider something the apostle Paul had to say about the end of this age. In his letter to the Romans, Paul speaks of the rapture of the Church in a rather interesting way.  He tells his readers that Israel will suffer from a temporary partial blindness until the full number of Gentile believers has “come in”.

“For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.”    Romans 11:25  NKJV

The interesting thing about this statement is that it is a nautical term used to describe the full number of crew and passengers aboard a ship.  When the full number comes in, the ship then sails to its destination.  As I thought about the true Church filling up, and the apostate church also filling, I couldn’t help but remember the old saying; “ship of fools.” Wikipedia defines it this way; “The ship of fools is an allegory, originating from Plato that has long been a fixture in Western literature and art. The allegory depicts a vessel without a pilot, populated by human inhabitants who are deranged, frivolous, or oblivious, and seemingly ignorant of their course.”

“The great God who formed everything gives the fool his hire and the transgressor his wages.”           Proverbs 26:10  NKJV

Looking at the health of the Church today, and considering the description of the Laodicean church in Revelation, could you really call it healthy?  Or might it be a better description to call it a ship of fools? While we might hesitate to call someone a fool, the God of this universe has no such qualms.  The Word of God is full of passages which contrast the foolish and the wise, and also make it very clear what the destiny of each will be. Even though God has made the way of salvation so simple to understand and so easy to attain, man in his “wisdom” rejects the Gospel for a different way.  

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.”          Romans 1:20-21  NKJV

What the leaders of these churches seem unable to admit is that although the way of salvation is made plain in the Gospel of Christ, when they choose to lead their congregations down a different path, they are in essence, arguing with the God who created everything out of nothing and implying that He doesn’t know what He is talking about!  It also goes without saying that they are also somehow believe they are smarter than God because they possess a wisdom which shows an easier, better way to salvation than the one ordained by God.  This, in my opinion, does nothing but create a ship of fools rather than a healthy church teaching the true gospel of Christ and the wisdom revealed by God's Word.

“Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?”    1 Corinthians 1:20  NKJV

Anyone who would choose to ignore the simplicity and clarity of the Bible is a fool.  Unfortunately, the ship of fools is not only large; it’s getting larger at an incredible pace.  Yet the ship of the wise, with Jesus as its captain, is the only one which will reach its destination at the rapture of the Church.  Do you want to know if you are on the right ship?  According to Paul, simply check the direction your ship is sailing.

“Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,”                 1 Corinthians 15:1-4  NKJV

The word “hold fast” is the Greek word katechō which is also used as a nautical term meaning “to check a ship's headway i.e. to hold or head the ship”.  Our compass is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it is this Gospel which we use to check our course.  Does your church preach this gospel or another “seeker friendly” one?  Be careful not to sail on the ship of fools.

“But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”                             Romans 10:8-9  NKJV

If the rapture of the church is indeed based on the number of members in the body of Christ, then it is logical to assume that the rapture will occur at the moment the last person makes his or her decision to accept Christ into their heart. That said, it is entirely possible any one of us could be the person sharing the Gospel with that individual at that particular time. Many of us are disappointed to still be here given all the signs that the rapture is indeed imminent, yet if Paul is telling us that there is a number that has to be reached for the “fullness of the Gentiles” to “come in”, it is reasonable to conclude that it's our fault we are still here. As a body of believers, we need to remember our first love and share the Gospel with everyone we meet so God can “fill the boat” to completeness.

If you are reading this and have never made the decision to accept Jesus Christ into your heart and accept the free gift of eternal life He has offered you, I urge you to do so right now. You can do that by praying this prayer and accepting the gift of eternal life God has offered you by the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.

Father, I know I am a sinner in need of salvation. I believe you sent your Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sin, and I ask you now to forgive me of my sins. I want to receive your gift of salvation so please come into my heart and help me to live and follow you as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Keep watching.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Believers In Name Only


“And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”   Revelation 3:14-16  NKJV

Anyone knowledgable about the subject of politics in this country has quite probably become passingly familiar with the term RINO.  It is more or less a derogatory word used to apply to those politicians who identify as belonging to the Republican Party but quite often take positions reflecting the ideology of the opposing Democratic Party.  The result is that they are branded with the term RINO, which stands for “republican in name only”.  This past week as I was reading a commentary on the seven churches of Revelation, it occurred to me that we could easily borrow and modify the RINO acronym and apply it to the members of the Laodicean church in the form of BINO; “believers in name only”.

Of the seven churches mentioned by Jesus in the beginning of His book of Revelation, I must confess that the church of Laodicea has been the most difficult for me to comprehend over the course of my study as a believer.  That is, until now.  You see (as I admit my age here) becoming a believer during the evangelical movement of the sixties and maturing during the Jesus movement of the seventies, I simply could not understand how a church could exist such as the Laodicean church described by Jesus.  Yet today we find the “emergence” of exactly what Jesus foretold so many years ago.

To make something lukewarm, you obviously mix together both hot and cold to arrive at a “compromise” temperature.  This is something I am an authority on considering when winter arrives every year my wife and I begin our annual war over the thermostat.  The result is always the same as while both of us might not get what we want; neither of us is uncomfortable to the point of demanding a change.  As I thought about the state of the church today, and especially these words from Jesus concerning the Laodicean church, my thoughts continually returned to the words lukewarm and compromise.

“Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked—“    Revelation 3:17  NKJV

A fact that many are not aware of is that the meaning of the word Laodicea is “rule of the people”.  I would think that this is probably one of the first of many mistakes this church is making in that rather than looking to God for guidance on what He expects from them, they look to themselves for approval.  Did you notice Jesus’ response to this?  “Because you say”.  How sad is it that a church can exist which simply tells itself that it is rich and in need of nothing because they are all comfortable doing what they want.  The truth is, according to Jesus, they are “wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked”.

“I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.”   Revelation 3:18-19  NKJV

Although the church at Laodicea believed it was rich and in need of nothing, it was in reality poor because the “riches” they were so confident in were a result of  their own efforts, and not from God.  Rich in the eyes of the world, they were poor in the eyes of God as a result of the absence of the Holy Spirit in their lives and in their church.  The error of the Laodicean theology is that your eternal security can be assured by simply being a “follower” of Christ.  Unfortunately, this is in direct opposition to the Word of God which states plainly that we must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to receive eternal life.  The end result of this mistaken teaching is a church full of followers, but few true believers, hence the description believers in name only.

 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. “To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.”   Revelation 3:20-21  NKJV

I learned this verse as a child in Sunday School, and like many of you, have never forgotten it.  It has long been used as a tool in witnessing and sharing the good news with those who have not yet accepted the gift of eternal life, and presents a beautiful picture of the love that Jesus has for all of His children.  Yet it was quite a long time before I personally understood the context of this verse, and exactly how Jesus was using it to send a message to a church almost empty of true believers.  Although seemingly unaware of their need, Jesus stands at the door knocking to come in and anyone who hears and invites Him in will receive the free gift of salvation.

Most all scholars agree that the list of seven churches in Revelation, while portraying a complete picture of the Church itself, also give a chronological picture of the evolution of the Church throughout history. This of course means the last church, the church of Laodicea, describes the Church as it exists when Jesus returns at the time of the rapture.  Considering that this church is described as lukewarm, with Jesus actually being outside knocking to get in, is it any wonder we are told it will be spit out of His mouth?  Another question to ask is if we are as close to the rapture as most believe, is this an apt description of many of the churches which exist today?

All of this said, the most important question today is have you opened the door of your heart and invited Jesus to come in?  If not, you can do that right now wherever you are.  Simply pray a prayer like this and begin a new life with Jesus, and know you will spend eternity with Him.

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe You died for my sins. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. Amen.

Keep watching.