Saturday, January 27, 2024

Israel's Time to Defend


“Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day, the time came for the king’s command and his decree to be executed. On the day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the opposite occurred, in that the Jews themselves overpowered those who hated them. The Jews gathered together in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus to lay hands on those who sought their harm. And no one could withstand them, because fear of them fell upon all people. And all the officials of the provinces, the satraps, the governors, and all those doing the king’s work, helped the Jews, because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them. For Mordecai was great in the king’s palace, and his fame spread throughout all the provinces; for this man Mordecai became increasingly prominent. Thus the Jews defeated all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, with slaughter and destruction, and did what they pleased with those who hated them.”                Esther 9:1-5  NKJV


My regular readers might recall the subject of this post as being one I have shared before, yet I believe the circumstances we see in the Middle East at the present time suggest it be revisited.  One of my favorite stories in the Bible is found in the book of Esther, which recounts the story of how God arranged for the Jewish people to be saved from annihilation.  I say arranged, because in His infinite wisdom He arranges for Esther, a Jewish girl taken in captivity in the time of Nebuchadnezzar, to somehow become the Queen of Persia.  It is a wonderful story of palace intrigue, corruption, and ultimate justice which is worthy of a Hollywood movie.  It has always been a staple in my years of teaching and was easily one of the most favorite in the Sunday School classes I taught.


The plot, in a nutshell, revolves around the attempt by Haman, an official in the king’s court, to completely destroy all of the Jews because of a personal dislike of Mordecai, a Jew who had adopted Queen Esther when her parents were killed.  Of course, Haman had no idea Queen Esther was a Jew, nor her relationship with Mordecai, which placed Esther in a perfect position to foil the plot.  After Haman had tricked the King into signing a decree which called for all of the Jews to be killed, Esther revealed to the King the fact that she herself was a Jew, and exposed the entire evil plot of Haman for what it really was.


The King was incensed, and ordered Haman to be hung on the very gallows he had built to hang Mordecai on, and because he could not rescind his own decree, wrote another which allowed the Jews to defend themselves from their enemies and anyone who intended harm to come their way.  The annual festival of Purim is a celebration of this deliverance of the Jews from the plot by Haman to completely annihilate them. 


“And Mordecai wrote these things and sent letters to all the Jews, near and far, who [were] in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, to establish among them that they should celebrate yearly the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the month of Adar, as the days on which the Jews had rest from their enemies, as the month which was turned from sorrow to joy for them, and from mourning to a holiday; that they should make them days of feasting and joy, of sending presents to one another and gifts to the poor. So the Jews accepted the custom which they had begun, as Mordecai had written to them, because Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the enemy of all the Jews, had plotted against the Jews to annihilate them, and had cast Pur (that [is], the lot), to consume them and destroy them; but when [Esther] came before the king, he commanded by letter that this wicked plot which [Haman] had devised against the Jews should return on his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows. So they called these days Purim, after the name Pur. Therefore, because of all the words of this letter, what they had seen concerning this matter, and what had happened to them,”   Esther 9:20-26 NKJV


If you have followed my blog for any length of time, you probably understand that I find it increasingly hard to believe in coincidence in a world created by an omnipotent God.  I especially don’t believe it coincidence when major events relating to the nation of Israel occur on the anniversaries of their Holy Days and festivals, which, if you have studied at all, you know have happened with great regularity throughout Israel’s history.  This brings us to the subject of Purim, which is only two months away and is my reason for discussing it today.

This celebration in Israel is one of the most joyous, lasting three days which include the giving of gifts, wearing costumes, and singing, eating, drinking, and of course reading the Book of Esther in the synagogue. The fourteenth of Adar usually occurs in our month of February or March, and this year it lands on Saturday, March 23. Although the events surrounding this festival happened thousands of years ago, it appears that it might be a good idea to consider that God’s sense of timing, along with His love and protection of the nation of Israel, could well result in this being a day to watch considering Israel is currently at war with several of the nations which wish it harm, the primary one being Iran.  If you haven’t guessed by now, the reason I am sharing this with you today is that the ancient country of Persia, is in fact, the modern day country of Iran.

In late 2002, the United States began a building up of forces in the Middle East with the apparent intent of deposing the ruler of Iraq, Sadaam Hussein, who was pursuing the capability of weapons of mass destruction with the stated intent of using them on the nation of Israel. I had been invited to lecture on the situation in the Middle East in early 2003 and was in the process of preparing when I noticed the Festival of Purim on my calendar was just a couple of weeks away. Reminded of the story of Esther, the first thought that went through my mind was what if history was about to repeat itself with God's sense of timing thrown in for good measure? As the world was watching and waiting, I contacted a few friends in the ministry and shared my thoughts about the possibility that an attack on Iraq could occur on the very anniversary of the deliverance of Israel some 2500 years earlier. No surprise, the festival of Purim, the 14th of Adar, occurred on Wednesday March 19, 2003, the very day the first bombs dropped on Baghdad.

I find it very hard to believe that the attack on Iraq during the exact time it happened once before in Israel’s history was simply a coincidence. Iran and it’s stated desire to wipe Israel off of the map, and the current conflict with Iran’s proxies Syria and Lebanon to the North along with Hamas in Gaza to the West, the future of Israel seems very clear.  Is history about to repeat itself again with a major action, possibly against Iran itself, by Israel occurring this coming Purim? I have no idea, but I am a firm believer that where there's smoke there's fire and with the rhetoric we are seeing it would be no surprise if Israel chooses to take action.  As the Bible says, we all need to watch, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

It seems lately that every week we are treated to more and more signs that the rapture of the Church is close at hand.  If you have never made the decision to accept the gift of eternal life offered by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ I urge you to do it today.  Simply tell God you accept His Son Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and turn your life over to His control.


Father, I know I am a sinner in need of salvation. I believe you sent your Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sin, and I ask you now to forgive me of my sins. I want to receive your gift of salvation so please come into my heart and help me to live and follow you as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Keep watching.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

2024:Wars and Rumors of Wars

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.“All these are the beginning of sorrows.   Matthew 24:6:8. NKJV

Most believers who are familiar with Jesus’ words in Matthew chapter 24 recognize that it is a description of events that He also compares to labor pains in a woman preparing to give birth.  As most understand, labor pains grow in frequency and intensity the closer that the time of the actual birthing is set to arrive.  So to, we should expect an increase in the frequency and intensity of the signs Jesus speaks about in this passage as a sign that the departure of His Church is near. 

I have often heard a familiar phrase repeated over the years concerning this passage that you yourself may have heard or considered.  “There have always been “wars and rumors of wars” correct? While you could make that argument, let’s not forget to factor in the “increase in frequency and intensity” argument into the equation.  I think virtually everyone reading this has noticed that 2024 has quite literally started of “with a bang”.  What follows is just a very small sample of what I am talking about.

Israel readies for war on 7 fronts as attacks recorded in neighbouring countries

US, UK airstrikes pound Yemen for first time after weeks of Houthi Red Sea attacks

Video: US strikes 60+ Iran-backed terrorist targets

Turkey launches airstrikes against Kurdish militants in Iraq and Syria after 9 soldiers were killed

North Korea set to send new class of missiles to Russia, Seoul says

Ukraine war: What Russia's escalating air attacks mean

China's Xi says 'reunification' with Taiwan is inevitable

Iran’s IRGC claims missile strike targeted Mossad ‘espionage headquarters’ in Iraqi Kurdistan

Pakistan condemns deadly Iranian missile strike on its territory

Iranian ballistic missiles strike near U.S. facilities in northern Iraq

North Korea's Kim Jong Un preparing for war − citing 'unprecedented' US behavior

As Iran Escalates, Rising Risk of a Wider Regional War

China Conducts Large Military Maneuvers Around Taiwan As Fears Of Invasion Loom

Expect a Chinese show of force against Taiwan soon, says INDOPACOM head

All Of A Sudden, Leaders All Over The World Are Warning That World War III Is Very Close

When I consider this passage where Jesus speaks of the signs of the end of the age, His comment on wars immediately focuses my attention on the wars that the Bible clearly tells us will occur.  Most teachers and scholars, if not all, agree that these are Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, and Ezekiel 38,39.  While there is some discussion on the possibility that the passage from Psalm 83 is simply what some describe as an “imprecatory” prayer, I believe that it does accurately predict and refer to the situation which we now see existing between Israel and it’s enemies at this very point in time.

The opinion of the political leaders of Israel, as well as the military, believe they are currently fighting a multi-front war being orchestrated by none other than Iran, who the Bible identifies as the protagonist of the wars listed in these passages.  While it is to be expected that not all would agree, I find it rather surprising then that at this point in time there is almost universal agreement in the body that we are standing at the door of seeing all these things come to pass.

If you have chosen to study Biblical prophecy, I’m sure you have either heard or read that the most asked question concerning the end times is “Where is America?” in all of this?  What I have always believed is that if the United States were relevant, it would be mentioned in scripture.  The fact that it seems to be absent lends weight to the idea that for one reason or another, America as we know it is rendered irrelevant.  Considering where we are right now as sentiment towards the conflict between Israel and its enemies seems to be wavering from our usual support from both the government and some of the populace, one has to wonder if we would come to their defense should an overt attack by Israel’s enemies were to occur.

I have reasons to believe that in the coming months we will see “these things” mentioned by Jesus begin to take place.  I will elaborate on that next week but the most important thing to remember is this; if these events are staring us in the face, so is the rapture of the Church when all true believers will be taken out of this world to live with our Father forever in His presence.

I pray you are one of those who can truthfully say, I see and hear.  The good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ, promises deliverance from this time of judgment by the gift of eternal life through the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior.  If you have never made the choice to accept that gift, I urge you to do it now by praying a simple prayer like this;

Jesus I know I am a sinner. I have sinned against you, but I know you loved me enough to send your Son, Jesus Christ to die for my sins and then rise from the dead so that I may live forever with You. Lord forgive me of my sins and come into my life and help me to begin to live for You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Keep watching.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Hanging In There

“I am weary with my crying; My throat is dry; My eyes fail while I wait for my God.”     Psalm 69:3  NKJV


A question I have always had in regards to living in the end times is just how much discomfort are believers going to be subjected to as we get closer and closer to the return of Christ for His church? Lately it would appear that the answer to that may be uncomfortable as more and more I am hearing about situations where dedicated, committed believers being subjected to trials they never suspected would occur. Many are a direct result of the situation brought about this past year as I hear of Christians losing their jobs, having trouble paying their bills, and even struggling to put food on the table. Of course, it should come as no surprise that the natural question which results from these situations is simply "why"? As a believer, shouldn't we be able to expect God to spare us from these troubles? 

The reality is, that question is not a new one. How many times in the Old Testament can you recall someone asking God "why"? By now most are aware of the conflict this past week between Israel and Hamas, and I believe it is safe to say there are many in Israel asking the same question.  With so many in the world experiencing difficulties at this present time, it seems perfectly natural to wonder at times if God is aware of our struggles. With that in mind, I want to share something that Isaiah wrote about the subject of wondering if God is really paying attention.

“Why do you say, O Jacob, And speak, O Israel: "My way is hidden from the LORD, And my just claim is passed over by my God"? Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, And to [those who have] no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew [their] strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:27-31 NKJV

Obviously from this passage, we can see that Israel was complaining to God that He was obviously unaware of their suffering because He had not done anything about it. They were feeling as if God had abandoned them, and was either unaware or unwilling to do anything to alleviate their suffering. Especially interesting is the idea we see that the people felt that God was obliged to deliver them! Do you notice the words "just claim"? They felt as God's chosen people, they should somehow be immune to struggles. I am sure many today are experiencing those same feelings as they experience the hardships that seem so prevalent as a result of the events of the past year. Yet Isaiah goes on to answer those feelings by telling us three things we need to remember when we experience trials in our lives.

First of all, Isaiah reminds us that God is never asleep, or too tired to listen to our cries for help. He doesn't "faint" or get "weary", and believe it or not, He has a plan that we as humans may not "understand". His ways are not our ways, but Isaiah assures us that even though we may not understand, or agree, God's ways are not our ways.

Secondly, Isaiah assures us that God will give us the "power" and the "strength" we need to endure. It seems here as if we are being told that within the body of Christ there are three levels of maturity. The "youth" would refer to those who are new and relatively immature believers who would struggle the most when experiencing these kinds of difficulties. The "young men" would be those who have grown enough to endure a bit longer, but still struggle with circumstances they could not control. Those who are able to "wait", however, are those believers mature enough in their faith to understand that God is always faithful to provide the strength we need to endure.

Third, Isaiah uses a beautiful example of an eagle to picture what life as a mature believer can be. Can anyone imagine running and never getting tired, or walking forever without running out of gas? Fortunately for me, I live in an area where all I have to do to watch eagles is drive a mile to the river that runs through a canyon south of town and I can spend hours watching bald eagles fish and hunt for their food. 

It is common to see eagles with a wingspan of 6-7 feet, and when they fly by 20 feet or so away you usually feel like ducking. Of course, with wings that big it is amazing to see the size of fish they can take off with. It’s not uncommon to see them catch salmon much bigger than they are. The strength they possess is just amazing to watch, and to see them dive on the river and come up with a fish that size just takes your breath away, not to mention that they seem to be able to soar for hours without landing.

Is it any wonder God chooses to use the eagle as an illustration of His care and concern for His own? The power and strength and endurance is there for us when we need it, but what is required of us most is to wait. We are an impatient people who want answers and action right now, but our God is a God of patience and deliberation.

"Many [are] the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all."  Psalms 34:19 NKJV

While the struggles many are facing may be diverse, I believe a constant that most all of us are experiencing is weariness.  I know of so many who are tired, both physically and mentally after all we have been through this past year.  Yet God tells us that as faithful, righteous believers we will suffer afflictions. However the proper response is to wait upon the Lord who is not only able, but promises to give us the strength we need to soar like eagles. Note in the passage from Isaiah that God does not promise to take away the suffering, but rather to give us "strength and endurance" so we can be delivered through it. When believers suffer, rather than growing tired or fainting, we need to ask for strength and wait for the promises of God as a witness to those around us that God indeed will provide what we need.

God tells us that as faithful, righteous believers we will suffer afflictions. If we believe what Revelation says, the last ten days here on earth are going to be very, very uncomfortable for some. However the proper response is to wait upon the Lord who is not only able, but promises to give us the strength we need to soar like eagles. Note in the passage from Isaiah that God does not promise to take away the suffering, but rather to give us "strength and endurance" so we can be delivered through it. The following passage from Revelation says if we endure, we gain the “crown of life”. When believers suffer, rather than growing tired or fainting, we need to ask for strength and wait for the promises of God as a witness to those around us that God indeed will provide what we need.

"Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw [some] of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”     Revelation 2:10 NKJV

My thoughts have continually been drawn to this warning to the church at Smyrna, which you find is the only church of the seven found in the beginning of the book of Revelation that Jesus had no words of correction for. In Jesus' eyes they were “doing it right” which should to us be an example of how we should live. Yet Jesus also has a word of warning for them which we see in verse ten of chapter two, that has always intrigued me. Why is that? Well if we accept the premise that these letters apply to all of us, it becomes obvious that any church as a whole, and any individual believer fitting the description of the church at Smyrna, is going to have a time of tribulation just before the rapture of the Church.

It is just my opinion, but I truly believe that when the rapture occurs it is the “Smyrna” type believers who will leave the biggest impact on the ones left behind because they were faithful to endure the tribulation they had to go through those last ten days. To me though, the best reassurance I have from this passage in Revelation is the very first words Jesus says to us; “Do not fear...”. As hard as we may struggle, we need not fear for God has promised to deliver us. Right now, anyone who chooses to take the Bible's position on anything sets themselves up for the definition of “tribulation” given in the letter to the church at Smyrna, yet our Lord says do not fear!

"And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? "I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?"   Luke 18:7-8 NKJV

If you are reading this and have never made the decision to accept Jesus Christ into your heart and accept the free gift of eternal life He has offered you, I urge you to do so right now. You can do that by praying this prayer and accepting the gift of eternal life God has offered you by the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and I believe You died for my sins. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life to you. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me. Amen.

Please join me in praying for those who are struggling as we approach the end of this age. Never forget, God is faithful.

Keep watching.