learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become
tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. "So you also,
when you see these things happening, know that it is near—at the doors!
"Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till
all these things take place. "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My
words will by no means pass away. "But of that day and hour no one knows,
not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. "Take
heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. "It is like a
man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his
servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch.
"Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is
coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the
morning— "lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. "And what I
say to you, I say to all: Watch!"
13:28-37 NKJV
find it surprising when so many ask me why I choose to study and teach on
prophecy when there are so many portions of scripture like this one from Mark
that make it clear what Jesus expects from us. I try to explain to those who ask
the question that this is not merely a suggestion from God, but a command
repeated over and over again. As such, I try to get the point across that if
God commands us to watch, it is because He intends to show us signs that we
will recognize as harbingers of the end of this age. One of the points I have
often contemplated concerning this passage is if it is possible God is giving
us a clue as to when the rapture would occur when He chooses to use the season
of summer as an illustrative tool.
term “dog days of summer” is familiar to most, yet many are probably not aware
of what it means or of its origin. Actually, the answer to that question is
hazy and debatable, while some believe it may date back as far as the Roman
Empire. As to what it might mean, let me make a suggestion based solely on my
own observations and educational experiences. Like many people, at one time I
had a dog who was as friendly as the day was long. I also, though, live in a
part of the country which experiences summers which tend to occasionally
receive triple digit heat late in the season. Just like people, however, I used
to notice my dog got just a little testy during these days of excessive heat,
exhibiting a marked lack of patience and a tendency to growl and lash out when
I considered that, I also was reminded of something I realized back in the day
when I was a history major in college. Do you know the vast majority of
conflicts in the history of the world have started during the summer months?
What is my point? I just wonder if the conflict that God reveals in His Word
concerning the future of Israel and the world, taken along with His command to
watch with a reference to the season of summer, should be a major clue to those
of us who choose to obey the command to watch?
Could it be that summer is the season that all the events we are told to
watch for will converge and produce the conflict we are told so much about?
Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach
good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim
liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to [those who are]
bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, And the day of vengeance of
our God; To comfort all who mourn,
61:1-2 NKJV
many are familiar with the seven Feasts of Israel, which were celebrations
appointed by God and revealed to Moses during the Exodus, not as many are
familiar with the Fasts of Mourning which are days which commemorate a tragic
event or events that have occurred in Israel's history. While these days of
remembrance were not instituted by God, He does mention them when He reveals to
the prophet Zechariah that the time will come when they will be turned into
days of celebration after the tribulation ends and the Messiah begins His reign
on the earth.
says the LORD of hosts: 'The fast of the fourth [month], The fast of the fifth,
The fast of the seventh, And the fast of the tenth, Shall be joy and gladness
and cheerful feasts For the house of Judah. Therefore love truth and peace.'
8:19 NKJV
seventeenth of Tammuz, which is the first fast day, or the fast of the fourth
month referred to by Zechariah in the passage above, is going to arrive soon.
This day begins a period of three weeks of national mourning in Israel that
lead up to Tisha B' Av, or the ninth of Av which is the fast of the fifth
month. When discussing this first fast day in his book “Armageddon: Appointment
With Destiny”, the late Grant Jeffrey says that the events which have occurred
on the seventeenth of Tammuz serve to show the nation of Israel that God's
favor had been withdrawn from them because of their sin as a nation. It also
served as a sign that God's judgment was soon to follow, which throughout history
has certainly occurred on the ninth of Av.
have always believed that if God goes to the trouble of telling us a specific
day or time that something has happened, there is probably a very good reason
for it. The first passage we looked at this morning comes from the book of
Isaiah, and is noteworthy because it was also quoted by Jesus during His
ministry here on earth. If you look in the fourth chapter of Luke you find this
So He
came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went
into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. And He was handed
the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the
place where it was written:
4:16-17 NKJV
then reads the passage from Isaiah 61 but does an interesting thing; He stops
reading in the middle of verse two where it begins to talk about the day of
vengeance. Then Jesus explains to the people;
And He
began to say to them, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your
Luke 4:21
every commentator I have read agrees that this is because the day of vengeance
that Jesus does not talk about is the future tribulation period that will come
upon Israel because of their rejection of Jesus as their Messiah. It is during this
time of tribulation that the rest of verse two comes into play because what it
describes is that period of time which the passage from Isaiah calls “the day
of vengeance of our God“. If you are at all familiar with the events described
in the book of Revelation concerning this coming time of judgment you might
think that there will be plenty of reasons to mourn, yet the Bible makes it
clear that God intends for the world and the nation of Israel to know the real
reason to mourn;
the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of
the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of
heaven with power and great glory.
24:30 NKJV
I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the
Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced.
Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for [his] only [son], and grieve for
Him as one grieves for a firstborn.
12:10 NKJV
as believers understand that the next time Jesus returns will be the rapture
when He comes in the clouds to take His bride the Church, made up of all who
believe in Him, back to Heaven. Now if this were to occur in the month of Av,
you would think that this would be a cause for celebration and not a time to
mourn, yet the thought that immediately crossed my mind when I read this was
one which applies to everyone and not just Israel. You see, while it will be a
time of celebration for those who go, don't you think it will be a reason to
mourn for those who don't? Of all the events which have occurred throughout
history during the three weeks of mourning in Israel, they would all pale in
comparison to being left behind when the rapture happens.
all the things that are happening in the world right now. We have the signs of
a potential war in the Middle East which could occur at any time, floods in
other parts of the world, earthquakes occurring, volcanoes erupting, along with
wildfires burning. Taking all of these
things in mind, not to mention the fact that we have just entered the period of
time where God has historically demonstrated His displeasure with His
children’s disobedience, I would certainly conclude this is an especially
important season to be watching. As such, I think it seems even more important
than ever for all of us to consider our eternal destiny and make sure we know
we will accompany our Lord when He returns for His bride.
you are reading this today and have never made the decision to accept Jesus
Christ as your Lord and Savior, I urge you to do it right now. Simply admit to
God that you need His forgiveness because you are a sinner, be willing to turn away from your sins,
believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and invite Him to come in
and control your life through the Holy
Spirit by praying a simple prayer like this;
Jesus I know I am a
sinner in need of salvation. I believe you sent your Son Jesus to die on the
cross for my sin, and I ask you now to forgive me of my sins. I want to receive
your gift of salvation so please come into my heart and help me to live and
follow you as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name, Amen.
But as
many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to
those who believe in His name:
1:12 NKJV
you have prayed that prayer, or one like it, you can rejoice that you will
spend eternity with God. If not, I'm sorry to say that very soon you might just
have a reason to mourn.