Sunday, October 6, 2019

Blood in the Water

Thus says the Lord GOD: “On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan: “You will say, ‘I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates’—“to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land.   Ezekiel 38:10-12  NKJV

Many of you will recognize the passage above as the description of the motivation for the attack on Israel by the coalition of nations in the conflict known as the War of Gog/Magog revealed to us by Ezekiel the prophet.  While many Bible scholars, commentators, and teachers are rightly pointing out the convergence of events pointing directly to the imminent fulfillment of this prophecy, it surprises me to find that even the secular press is referring to this account from Ezekiel in relation to the current events in the Middle East.

One of the questions I get when discussing this topic concerns the belief by this coalition that they can actually succeed in an attack on the nation of Israel when it is generally acknowledged that not only is the Israeli Defense Force one of the best armies in the world, the worst kept secret is that Israel also possesses nuclear weapons.  Of course, lets not forget to mention that since its inception as a nation in 1948, Israel has resoundly won every war inflicted upon it by its enemies.  So the question remains, why would these nations feel that they could succeed?

smell blood

1. To recognize or detect a weakness or vulnerability (especially a new one) in an opponent, adversary, or subject over which one is trying to gain an advantage. The phrase implies that such a weakness will then be acted upon to gain victory or advantage. Likened to the literal presence of blood in water detected by aquatic predators, such as sharks.
2. To be ready, willing, and eager to attack or fight.

See also: blood, smell

I have fielded numerous questions in the past month or so concerning the current political situation in Israel, and the fact that their government seems to be in disarray as they are unable to assemble a majority coalition to rule.  Confusing to those who do not understand the parliamentary system, the one thing to keep in mind is that they still have a leadership in place that can make decisions affecting the security of the nation.  The question today, though, is do Israel's enemies understand that fact, or might they perceive this current situation as a weakness that they could potentially exploit?

I'm sure that most of us have heard in one form or another the expression that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  Obviously, since Ezekiel tells us that this attempted invasion is going to occur, this is exactly what is going to happen.  For reasons unknown, Israel's enemies are going to ignore history and once again try to invade.  While successful in repelling invasions in the past, on this occasion Israel will not need to do a thing because the God of the universe will use this attempt to reveal Himself as Israel's protector.

“And it will come to pass at the same time, when Gog comes against the land of Israel,” says the Lord GOD, “that My fury will show in My face. “For in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath I have spoken: ‘Surely in that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel, ‘so that the fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens, the beasts of the field, all creeping things that creep on the earth, and all men who are on the face of the earth shall shake at My presence. The mountains shall be thrown down, the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.’ “I will call for a sword against Gog throughout all My mountains,” says the Lord GOD. “Every man’s sword will be against his brother. “And I will bring him to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed; I will rain down on him, on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, flooding rain, great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. “Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the LORD.” ’  Ezekiel 38:18-23  NKJV

Most would agree with the saying "you don't pick a fight unless you are sure you can win".  From the rhetoric coming from Israel's enemies lately it would appear they actually believe that they are finally in a position to do just that.  Imagine their surprise when they find the nation of Israel doesn't need to protect itself.  “Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the LORD.”   Even now we can see the signs that this event is on our immediate horizon.  All the alliances spoken about here are in place, and all the players are present and just waiting for the right circumstances to present themselves.

It was reported just this morning that Israel's security cabinet met today for the first time in months because of concerns that Iran is planning an attack of some kind which could happen at any time.   It was also reported that pressure is being put on the two largest political parties to put aside their differences and join to form a majority coalition specifically because of the threat of an attack by Israel's enemies as a result of the political turmoil in the country at this time.  Many believe events in the Middle East are pointing directly at the fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecy.

A great number of believers are of the opinion that because this is the time that God begins to deal with Israel;  the Church, the bride of Christ, has necessarily already been taken up to Heaven in the event we know as the rapture.  Would the removal of the Church, as well as the restrainer spoken about by Paul, present the perfect excuse for these things to take place?  I for one believe that scenario is extemely feasible, especially considering thst this country is Israel's greatest ally and also home to the vast majority of Christians.   

 If the rapture does indeed preceed these events, it is readily apparent it could happen at any time.  My hope and prayer is that you have made the decision to believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and you have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior so you too can meet Him in the air when He returns to take us home.

Keep watching.,7340,L-5603259,00.html