Saturday, November 7, 2020

Who's Driving this Bus?


“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”  Isaiah 55:8-9  NKJV

I’m willing to bet that most of us, when traveling just about anywhere, choose the straightest and fastest way to get wherever it is we are going. Now I certainly wouldn’t argue that this is a wrong choice, but as I have gotten older I have learned to appreciate the slower, scenic route to many of the destinations I choose to visit. As I have taught on the subject of eschatology, or what the Bible says about the end of this present world, it has occurred to me that many believers are convinced that God’s plan for mankind should follow the same logic as ours by taking the fastest and most direct route.  

It will probably come as no surprise to you that the vast majority of questions I have received this past week are all about the election, and my thoughts on what has so far occurred.  While on the one hand I can truthfully say I certainly didn’t see this particular scenario unfolding, on the other hand many are surprised to hear that in my mind, it makes no difference whatsoever who eventually sits in the White House.  I hold that opinion because I know exactly where this world is going according to God’s Word, and I became convinced long ago to be content to simply watch events unfold as we travel along.

“And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”  Daniel 2:21  NKJV

Whoever ends up sitting in the seat of power will have been put there by God for the express purpose of fulfilling a particular part of God’s plan for this world.  Exactly what that might be is open to speculation but considering the lateness of the hour on God’s clock, let me explain where I believe all of this is leading.  The destination of an unbelieving world is to be delivered unto judgment as a result of turning its back towards God and the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, for their sins.  As the world is judged, the nation of Israel is set apart for their own judgment as a consequence of rejecting Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

Two things should be mentioned here, which if you follow my blog you have heard before but bear repeating.  First is the lateness of the hour on God’s clock.  As I have mentioned often, the late Chuck Missler was fond of saying that when you see the Christmas decorations going up, you know that Thanksgiving is near.  It is obvious to just about anyone who studies what the Bible has to say about the end of this age that the end is near.  The signs are all around us and all that is left is for the Church to be raptured and that certain individual about whom the Word has so much to say, to arrive on the scene with his evil plan to rule the world.

Secondly, because of the hour, we know from the Word that Israel will soon be attacked by its enemies, and no one will come to their aid.  No one? Remember that the United States is not mentioned in Bible prophecy, and we are told that only God will help Israel in their time of distress.  This leads us precisely to our subject today, the election and who will be our president.  

First scenario, the Democratic candidate wins and assumes power as the leader of our country.  When Israel is attacked by its enemies, considering what we already know about this individual and his party, do you see the United States sending troops to the Middle East to help Israel?  I asked this same question of many believers this past week and all I received was a unanimous no.  If that assumption is correct, it follows that God’s plan will unfold exactly as we are told.

The second scenario could look something like this.  God chooses to intervene in a miraculous way and our current President prevails and continues to lead this country.  Israel is attacked by its enemies and our President has a choice to make about sending troops to assist in their defense.  When I asked the same question about our current President sending troops to the Middle East, would it surprise you that almost all agreed that he would?  Israel has had no better friend and supporter than our current President so his decision to help Israel in this conflict should not come as a surprise to anyone.  Except for one small fact; we know from the Word that it doesn’t happen.

“The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations.”  Psalm 33:10-11  NKJV

You see, what God has already ordained will most certainly happen.  The only conclusion we can reach is that when Israel finds itself surrounded by its enemies, President Trump is most likely not in power.  That in itself leads us to another question.  If in this second scenario he does win the election, where did he go?  Which leads us straight back to what we have been discussing for quite some time and that is the effect the rapture of the Church has on the world which finds itself left behind.  Many have questioned whether or not our President is a born again believer or not, and I certainly can’t offer any clues.  I do know this, however, no believer on this earth is perfect and as long as we possess a sin nature we will all have our faults and shortcomings.

Knowing as we do, though, that the rapture precedes the prophecy of Israel being attacked and God intervening on their behalf, it certainly seems plausible that if our current administration is in power, it either disappears or is severely crippled at the time of the rapture.  This does not, of course, mean that they could not be removed by other means before these things come to pass, especially considering the level of violence we have witnessed in the past few months.  Please understand that my intent today is not to try and predict what will happen in the coming months, but rather to help you to understand that God’s ways are not our ways and He will do exactly as He pleases in order to accomplish what He has already said will happen.

“Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,”  Isaiah 46:9-10  NKJV

As you can see, there are many different roads which could lead to this world's final destination. Have the events of this past week caused you to worry or lose sleep?  Are you upset because your desires or expectations were not met?  Like most of you, I certainly would like to see things happen which I believe would be best for this country, but we can never forget that God has a plan, and the route this world takes to get where it is going was laid out ahead of time by our Father.  

As always, the most important question is this. If you have never chosen to accept the gift of eternal life provided for us by God the Father, I would urge you to do it today.  Time to make that choice is indeed rapidly running out and Jesus returning to take His own back with Him to heaven could happen at any time.  All you need to do is simply ask Him for forgiveness for your sin, invite Him to come into your life, and believe He died to pay the price for your redemption.  A simple prayer like this is all that He wants to hear from you.

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and I believe You died for my sins. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life to you. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me. Amen.

Keep watching.