Saturday, September 16, 2023

Weird Science

“They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.”  Romans 1:25. NLT

A term that I am sure most everyone is familiar with by now is climate change. It appears to me, at least, that every single day there is an article, newscast, program, speech, or protest somewhere in this world expounding upon the danger that faces us in the very near future.  I don’t think I am alone in noticing that this ever evolving threat to mankind is becoming the “go to” excuse for just about every natural event that occurs in this world today.  

I have written and shared my thoughts on the natural disasters we see occurring with greater frequency at this point in the world’s history and as you might expect, I don’t blame them on climate change. Rather than speak to the question of why the events we see are happening, I thought it more important to address why so many are seemingly beginning to worship what many have called the cult of climate change.

This passage from Romans says that the time will come when mankind will stop worshipping God and instead begin to worship the world and all that He created.  To me, the answer as to why we see this happening is rather simple and is explained by God in the very first sentence when we are told people will choose to follow a lie.  Who has God the Father described as the “father of lies”?  That would be Satan himself who, from tempting Eve in the garden to this present time, lies to deceive people into rejecting the truth of God.  

“O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge—by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith. Grace be with you. Amen.”  1 Timothy 6:20-21. NKJV

In this letter to Timothy, Paul warns him not to follow the “contradictions” of false knowledge, but stay true to the truth he was taught.  How often have we heard the phrase “follow the science” in the past few years?  While at one time that might have been good advice, it certainly seems that lately the “science” has become more of a false narrative than an actual fact.  Many if not most have by now decided that the “science” or knowledge that led to the events of the pandemic of 2020 might well be described by the phrase in this verse “what is falsely called knowledge”.  

As far as the subject of climate change and the ominous predictions many are using to sell it, over 1600 respected scientists and experts have signed what is titled the “World Climate Declaration” wherein they state emphatically that there is no climate emergency at all. Now the thought occurs to me that it certainly seems that if we choose to follow the science we need to listen to the scientists and not those who might have other reasons to push a false narrative.

Now you might well ask, “what reasons might those be?” Well I would suggest the answer to that would be found by again returning to who God states is the father of lies and why that individual would be interested in convincing the entire world that there is an emergency of such proportions that all people need to come together to address it.  If we ask the obvious question in regards to “how” do we do that the answer might well become clear when we consider the steps already taken in the form of creating laws and regulations which need to be enforced.

This in turn leads to “control” which by now most believers understand is the ultimate goal of the deceiver himself, who with the help of his minion the antichrist, will attempt to control the entire world.  Is it any wonder then that the World Economic Forum has already jumped onboard the climate change bandwagon and made it one of their most pressing issues?  The WEF of course, is the entity which many believe the antichrist  will use to establish his one world government with the express purpose of eventually ruling the entire planet.

I began this article with a verse from Paul the Apostle wherein he warns of trading the “the truth about God for a lie”.  We need to ask ourselves, especially in this time in our world’s history, “what exactly is the truth of God”?  The answer to that has always been clear and unequivocal, and is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  God created, man sinned by following Satan’s lies, and God provided a means for salvation by accepting the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, as payment for our sin.

If you are reading this today and have never made that decision, you can do it right now wherever you might be by simply praying a prayer like this; 


Jesus I know that I am a sinner, and have sinned against you.  I believe you loved me enough to send your Son Jesus to die for my sins, and that He rose from the dead so that I can live.  Forgive me of my sins and come into my life and help me to live for you.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Keep watching.